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The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting ( QUIZ 002 )

1. The objectives of financial statements are met by:

• Statement of financial positions, statement of profit loss & other comprehensive income.
• Cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, supporting notes.
• All of above.
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2. Fundamental qualitative characteristics of useful financial informations are :

• Comparability & verifiability
• Relevance and faithful representation
• Timeliness and understandability
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3. Enhancing qualitative characteristics of useful financial informations are :

• Comparability & verifiability.
• Timeliness, understandability, Comparability & verifiability.
• All above
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4. Information is material if omitting it or misstating it could influence decisions that users make on the basis of financial information about a specific reporting entity.

• False
• True
• True for corporate sector entities only.
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5. Faithful representation of financial information have following characteristics

• Complete
• Neutral
• Free from error, complete & neutral.
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6. Frame work discusses the following items of financial statements

• Assets & Liability
• Assets , Liability & equity only
• Assets, Liability, equity, income & expenses.
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7. Assumptions of going concern and accrual are explained in

• Framework
• IAS 1
• In all IFRS
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8. Conceptual frame work allow only one measurement bases for elements of financial statements

• Correct
• Incorrect
• Partially correct
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9. Conceptual frame is

• Not IFRS
• An IAS
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10. Financial reporting provide

• Exact information about value of reporting entity
• Assistance in making judgment of value of reporting entity
• All of above
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